
User Guide

1. Introduction

Duke is a Personal Assistant Chatbot that helps a person to keep track of various tasks and events. Duke is optimised for people who prefer typing and working with the Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI).

2. Features

2.1 Add a Deadline task: deadline

Adds a deadline task to Duke.

Format: deadline DESCRIPTION /by DATE TIME

2.2 Add an Event: Event

Adds an event to Duke.


2.3 Add a To-Do task: todo

Adds a normal task, without any deadlines or timing, to Duke.

Format: todo DESCRIPTION

2.4 Delete tasks: delete

Deletes a currently saved task or event from Duke.

Format: delete INDEX

2.5 Mark task as done: done

Mark a currently saved task or event as done.

Format: done INDEX

2.6 Find tasks using a keyword: find

Finds all tasks and events that contain a particular keyword.

Format: find KEYWORD

2.7 List all tasks: list

List all tasks and events saved in Duke.

Format: list

2.8 Undo the previous command: undo

Undo previous commands.

Format: undo

2.9 Exit Duke: bye

Exit the Duke.

Format: bye

2.10 Saving the data

Duke data are saved in the hard disks automatically after any command that changes the data. There is no need to save automatically.

3. Command Summary